DiscussStar Wars: The Old Republic revealed
greatStar Wars: The Old Republic revealed
http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/922/922115p1.htmlIn response to community pressure to scrap this game and just make Knights of the Old Republic 3, the team suggests that there's enough content in Star Wars: The Old Republic to call it ''Knights of the Old Republic 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.''Twelve full-time writers have been working on the content for this game for years already. The writing department was the first priority when it came to staffing so these writers have been working on the game longer than anyone.
The art direction looks considerably worse than Diablo 3's.
Didn't want it to be an MMO.
No interest in MMOs. I play solo games because the idiots I have to deal with day to day give me a headache. Why would I want to pay money for them to come and annoy me online as well?
So is EA involved?
This MMO will be AWSOME.
[QUOTE=''biggest_loser'']Didn't want it to be an MMO. [/QUOTE] ''Didn't want it to be an MMO.'' - that's all you could say? This news almost brings tears to my eyes. I.. I never really thought that some article about one MMO could make a man so sad.If this new Bioware project is bigger than all its previous games combined, then I'm at least ten times more disappointed about it than compared to playing Spore and Mass Effect, combined.I mean, who knows if we'll ever see another Knights of the Old Republic game; the second one left us with a very inconclusive ending. I'd rather have Kotor 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, not another MMO. It's so... uh, please, someone hold me; I think I'm going to faint.
[QUOTE=''Baranga''] http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/922/922115p1.html In response to community pressure to scrap this game and just make Knights of the Old Republic 3, the team suggests that there's enough content in Star Wars: The Old Republic to call it ''Knights of the Old Republic 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9.'' Twelve full-time writers have been working on the content for this game for years already. The writing department was the first priority when it came to staffing so these writers have been working on the game longer than anyone. [/QUOTE] How can you keep a great on-going story for an MMO?
I feel your pain, mang :(
[QUOTE=''crazymaghie123'']So is EA involved?[/QUOTE]
And LucasArts.
Another Star Wars game....Hope its Good...
[QUOTE=''vlin1108'']How can you keep a great on-going story for an MMO? [/QUOTE] pay attention to the quests, for one. something most people in WoW seem to avoid.
[QUOTE=''Hewkii''][QUOTE=''vlin1108''] How can you keep a great on-going story for an MMO? [/QUOTE] pay attention to the quests, for one. something most people in WoW seem to avoid. [/QUOTE] The trees have been corruped, the aimals have been tainted, the whole wilderness has gone mad!Go slay that dragon who can take on a human form and then kill some more corrupted villains.The whole fantasy setting of World of Warcraft and Blizzard's previous titles are average at best. They have been done and done and overdone; the mere thought of comparing them to the storylines of Kotor 1 %26 2 is absurd. Honestly, if Blizzard is renowned for something, then it's not the immersive stories they can create.
Looks and sounds amazing. After reading it, I think we could get something close and maybe even better, than a kotor sp experience, with their huge focus (14 writers alone) on storytelling. Which makes it also far from a WoW clone.
[QUOTE=''vlin1108'']''Didn't want it to be an MMO.'' - that's all you could say? This news almost brings tears to my eyes. I.. I never really thought that some article about one MMO could make a man so sad.If this new Bioware project is bigger than all its previous games combined, then I'm at least ten times more disappointed about it than compared to playing Spore and Mass Effect, combined.I mean, who knows if we'll ever see another Knights of the Old Republic game; the second one left us with a very inconclusive ending. I'd rather have Kotor 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, not another MMO. It's so... uh, please, someone hold me; I think I'm going to faint.[/QUOTE]i agree with you, its not even going to finish the story, not only that but its set 300 years after kotor, so no revan, no exile, all the chars we came to love are gone...and instead of them we're gonna have to deal with the annoying mmo comunities..they should make it like diablo2 where if you want to play offline single play youre able to at least,gah theres no end to mmos now its just pretty much gonna be a game about a war...that never ends, oh you beat the last boss... heres an expansion, just to kill more bosses and get moregear..mmo can feel like jobs, if youre in a guild youre expected to show up for raids and such, and on a schedule, and if youre not in a guild you can't do raids, because if you do its with a pug group which is a horrible experience in itself...than grinding for currency to upgrade gear, mmo are sooooo gear driven its annoying, if you dont have good gear youre called a noob, and nobody will play with you, so you constantly have to upgrade gear, and than when you get good gear the game becomes stale and boring becuase theres nothing else to do...thats why mmo fail to deliver good story telling, they just base everything on grinding for better items, in a world of greedy players............................jfispdafo0sdf67yds9hjn look at wow, supposedly the best MMO, heres how the game goes, grind as fast as possible to get to 70, (there is never groups for any lower instances, even though they are alot more fun than any end game ones.) grind as fast as possible to get good gear, when you have good gear, sit in shat and do nothing, you might raid but theres no reason because youve done them all hundreds of times, and with expansions its rinse and repeat, the very same thing. oh you could do heroics, but so what, its the same thing just more hp and moredmg from the mobs, its sooooooooooooooo repetitive.
It looks like KOTOR in a candy factory. Why do developers think we need this pastel-colored hell? I wanted to like this, but having seen the kind of cartoon graphics they've used, my excitement level has bottomed out.
well they said in the interview its gonna be basically kotor 3,4,5 and so on. Definantly gonna pick this one because I have faith in bioware and lucas but not so much in EA but Warhammer turned out to be decent.
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