I'm buying it the day its out. Can't wait. I'm not buying Left 4 Dead until it reaches the 30 dollar price point.
Looks like a $50 game to me, I'll definitely be getting it at launch.
Gonna be a sad day for those that buy the game for 50$ then find its like 4 hours long.
[QUOTE=''0utc4st'']Gonna be a sad day for those that buy the game for 50$ then find its like 4 hours long.[/QUOTE] It's going to be closer to 6. Play with friends at the hardest difficulty and you're set for awhile. Plus there's going to be endless custom maps and lots of variability in the maps we get from the start. And then there's versus multiplayer,
Bought the second it was available.
[QUOTE=''Jodan77'']Bought the second it was available.[/QUOTE]Same here.I see a lot of Playability In L4D co-op that I can put Hours on end. Even still, With it running on Source and Garry will be updating Gmod for L4d when it comes out I see we are getting A lot for only $50. A lot better then Paying $59.99 for only an 5hour Single-player or a Movie.:shock:
I see that I'm in the minority, then! It's simply the matter that I want to play other games much more than this one.
I'm not buying it because it doesn't have a good story. It puzzles me to why people like zombie games. Zombie movies on the other hand are pretty good(Dawn Of The Dead original).
[QUOTE=''Vilot_Hero'']I'm not buying it because it doesn't have a good story. It puzzles me to why people like zombie games. Zombie movies on the other hand are pretty good(Dawn Of The Dead original).[/QUOTE] Good story =/= fun game. That's why.
[QUOTE=''The_Capitalist'']No doubt about it - Left 4 Dead looks like a great deal of fun.But I feel that it's hardly worth 50 dollars. So, ladies and gentlemen, sad to say, I won't be getting this game until it hits the 30 dollar price point, which could be a year from now, given the high demand for the game right now.Some of you may feel that it's worth 50... But, not me... I will download and play the demo, though. (Whenever that comes out)Anyone feel the same? [/QUOTE]I've already bought it... HELLO DEMO ON THE 6th !! Wooo !
[QUOTE=''GodLovesDead''] [QUOTE=''Vilot_Hero'']I'm not buying it because it doesn't have a good story. It puzzles me to why people like zombie games. Zombie movies on the other hand are pretty good(Dawn Of The Dead original).[/QUOTE] Good story =/= fun game. That's why. [/QUOTE]What does that ''=/='' thing mean?Does not equal? If so than Mass Effect would say different. The gunfights aren't that great, but the story made the game worth $60 alone. I would pay $100 for it because the story is that good.
I'm probably gonna wait it out for a bit. I got too many games to beat that I don't even care too much about multiplayer at this moment. I'm currently playing Doom 3 and I'm trying to beat that.
the game will be well worth the 50$ considering how many hours of entiartianment it will provide :D
[QUOTE=''Vilot_Hero''][QUOTE=''GodLovesDead''] [QUOTE=''Vilot_Hero'']I'm not buying it because it doesn't have a good story. It puzzles me to why people like zombie games. Zombie movies on the other hand are pretty good(Dawn Of The Dead original).[/QUOTE] Good story =/= fun game. That's why. [/QUOTE]What does that ''=/='' thing mean?Does not equal? If so than Mass Effect would say different. The gunfights aren't that great, but the story made the game worth $60 alone. I would pay $100 for it because the story is that good.[/QUOTE]=/= = Does not equal. Mass Effect wasn't a good game because it had a good story (which is debatable), but it helps. It was a good game because it had well-developed RPG elements and overall had good gameplay. If I wanted a good story, I'd read a book or watch a movie. Not play a vidya game.
[QUOTE=''GodLovesDead''][QUOTE=''Vilot_Hero''][QUOTE=''GodLovesDead''] [QUOTE=''Vilot_Hero'']I'm not buying it because it doesn't have a good story. It puzzles me to why people like zombie games. Zombie movies on the other hand are pretty good(Dawn Of The Dead original).[/QUOTE] Good story =/= fun game. That's why. [/QUOTE]What does that ''=/='' thing mean?Does not equal? If so than Mass Effect would say different. The gunfights aren't that great, but the story made the game worth $60 alone. I would pay $100 for it because the story is that good.[/QUOTE]=/= = Does not equal. Mass Effect wasn't a good game because it had a good story (which is debatable), but it helps. It was a good game because it had well-developed RPG elements and overall had good gameplay. If I wanted a good story, I'd read a book or watch a movie. Not play a vidya game.[/QUOTE]I think the story was better than anything else in the game.
It doesn't even cost $50 at launch...
[QUOTE=''Captain__Tripps'']It doesn't even cost $50 at launch... [/QUOTE]Yes it does. $49.99...You round the last two digits and you get $50.
[QUOTE=''Vilot_Hero''][QUOTE=''GodLovesDead''] [QUOTE=''Vilot_Hero'']I'm not buying it because it doesn't have a good story. It puzzles me to why people like zombie games. Zombie movies on the other hand are pretty good(Dawn Of The Dead original).[/QUOTE] Good story =/= fun game. That's why. [/QUOTE]What does that ''=/='' thing mean?Does not equal? If so than Mass Effect would say different. The gunfights aren't that great, but the story made the game worth $60 alone. I would pay $100 for it because the story is that good.[/QUOTE] Coming from guy who obvously love story in MGS and story in MGS is one of most cliche melodramatic soap opera stories that can be found around
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